BPT BSc Nursing & GNM Course Admission
The estimated costs of tuition, lab, clinical, library, mess and transportation fees for the Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSc Nursing) degree program is ₹75000 for resident of Telangana students and ₹1,05,000 for non-resident of Telangana students. GNM program is ₹65,000 for resident of Telangana students and ₹85,000 for non-resident of Telangana students. BPT program is ₹45000 for resident of Telangana Students and ₹100000 for non-resident of Telangana students. All costs are estimated and subject to change.
The Santosh College of Nursing offers a number of scholarship opportunities to eligible students. To learn more about other financial assistance opportunities available through us. Feel free to consult us on WhatsApp 9381917004 or enter details in loan & scholarship page.